Bahamas real estateBahamas Real Estate – One to Watch in 2019Walter Zephirin - 04/02/2019With attractive prices and high rental income-generating potential, Bahamas real estate set for growth.
Economic GrowthCaribbean Economic Growth to Rise to 2.1% in 2019Walter Zephirin - 17/01/2019Caribbean economies forecast to grow by 2.1% in 2019 led by Dominica and Dominican Republic.
St Kitts real estateA State-of-the-Art Medical Center for St KittsWalter Zephirin - 15/01/2019Medical Institute at Christophe Harbour to establish St Kitts as a health and wellness destination.
MortgagesCaribbean Homes for Sale with FinancingZoe Dare Hall - 11/01/20197 of the best Caribbean homes for sale with mortgages or developer financing for qualified buyers.
Turks & Caicos Real EstateTurks & Caicos Real Estate Market Maintains StrengthRobert Cooper - 02/11/2018Property buyers snapped up over $198 million of real estate in the Turks & Caicos Islands during Q3 2018.
Turks & Caicos Real EstateTurks & Caicos Real Estate Sales Up 7%Walter Zephirin - 01/08/2018With rising sales of homes, condos and vacant land in Turks & Caicos, the market is flourishing this year.